I left Tonsai on April 16th (day 47), because I wanted a few more days in Krabi to visit some things and try some more fabulous food.
Once back in Krabi, I checked into the same hostel as last time (Good Dream) and treated myself to a blue cheese burger :). The afternoon was mostly spend arranging various things for my stay in Australia.
The standard insurance for the campervan I’m renting there has one pay up to AUD7500 in case of an accident. So I got an excess cover insurance with another company to reduce that to around €150 (plus around €650 for that extra insurance).
During the past week I have been trying to find a place to couchsurf in Darwin, since I need to wait 4 days before I can pick up the campervan. Unfortunately, it seems a vast majority of Darwinians is not interested in responding to requests. It’s not that they refused me, I would have been fine with that. It’s that they read the request and then don’t bother answering it, which you can imagine is rather annoying. Luckily, my 22nd (!) request got swiftly accepted by Dee and Dave, whose place in Southport (about 50 km south of Darwin) I will be staying at for 4 nights.
Sending out all those unanswered requests took a few hours though, by the time I was finished, it was evening, so I just watched some series and got a good night’s sleep.
The next day, I rented a scooter and drove 60 km south, to the Emerald Pools. This is basically a mangrove/swamp with extremely clear water. There’s a few spots, most famously the aptly named Emerald Pool, where you can swim as well. I didn’t do so, since the pool was very crowded. Walking through the mangrove and visiting the Blue Pool, where no swimming is allowed and the water has an astonishingly blue shade, definitely made the visit worth it though!
What I was really looking forward to was the Krabi evening walking market, which is organized each Friday until Sunday and where you can get food, clothes and souvenirs. There’s also a big stage set up on which locals sing, playback, dance, do fire shows, … I would say it’s worth it to spend a day or two in Krabi just for this market. The variety of available food is amazing and everything is really cheap, so you can sample to your heart’s content. Which I did of course :).
My last day in Krabi, I drove around a bit with the scooter and revisited the Tiger Cave temple complex in order to have a walk through the jungle there. It was really nice and quiet there and I saw some beautiful animals.
Mostly though, I was just waiting for nightfall, because… evening walking market :)! I once again stuffed myself with various (often unknown) things and just enjoyed the atmosphere. There was one weird moment where a break dance show was repeatedly interrupted to let a 10 year old girl do some sexually suggestive dancing… No clue what that was all about, the rest of the show was pretty good though.
And that was it for my stay in Thailand! Tomorrow I’m boarding a plane to Darwin, Australia.
Go Australie! De thaise klimscene ziet er zeer cool uit.
Maar goed dat ge u zo volgestoken hebt met heerlijk eten in Thailand, want in Australië eet ge u letterlijk arm volgens mij. Ik kijk al uit naar het derde hoofdstuk van de blog alweer! Xxx
Ziet er allemaal super goed uit ! Doet mij terugdenken naar de eindejaarsreis en dat marktje in Siem Reap
On food discovery, jummy!