The last days, we have slowly but surely been tackling more difficult climbs.
The 5th of April (day 35), we went up to The Nest, and did a variety of climbs. There were some beautiful ones, such as a 6a in a chimney formed by two big stalactites and a very fun, bouldery 6c+. In between those climbs, Romain managed to piece together the ugliest, scariest climb we did here so far by inadvertently joining up two unrelated climbs.
In the evening, as the sun was setting on the Tonsai Roof, we did an amazing, classic 6c route, Beauty and the Beast, where you have to let yourself fall onto a big stalactite. It looks way too far to reach, but experience now tells me it’s not :).
The next day, I took a nap late into the afternoon. We headed over to the Roof again as the sun was setting. Warm-up in a very weird 6b, which mostly consisted of shuffling your behind across a big ledge inside a cave. Then it was time for a 7a+, Lal Bab, which I would have gotten 2nd try, were it not for the fact that I completely forgot about some great holds near the end… By then, it was dark and we had no headlamps with us, so no more time for a 3rd try. I also got my right pinky pinched in a hold, one day later I still haven’t regained a 100% feeling in it. Fun times ;).
Today, the 7th, is a rest day, so lots of sleep and reading. On the way to the beach, I hit a branch with my foot, which then promptly proceeded to run away. Turns out this particular branch was a 1m long monitor lizard! Taking pictures of it was pretty tricky, since it was hiding under some building material and seemed trying to whip me with its tail (quite successfully I should add).
Het klimmen ziet er daar precies niet slecht uit, geniet er van!